Improve the quality of your care with Codeandcore.
From primary care to specialized treatment, empower your facility with the technologies it needs to thrive.
Telemedicine Platforms
Bring your invaluable care closer to home for patients unable to visit your office. Our telemedicine platforms are intuitive and easily accessible, enabling patients to keep up with their visitations and consultations as needed. You also have more hands-on experience monitoring clients’ health, contacting them, and scheduling virtual meetings.
Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Manually searching for clients’ records to take meaningful action can be costly and time-consuming. A reliable EHR system integration can eliminate that. This tool collects and simplifies patients’ records, making them easily accessible and shareable to approved staff and health professionals for more coordinated care.
Health Tracking Apps
Keeping track of your patients’ health transcends official visits. As they sleep, eat, exercise, and try to connect, they risk exposing themselves to diverse health challenges. With a tailor-made tracking application, you can track clients’ nutrition levels, health conditions, and more, allowing you to keep them safe proactively.
Hospital Management Software
When any arm of an establishment is underperforming, the entire enterprise and customers suffer. Our hospital management solution allows you to automate key areas of your operation that need attention—scheduling, admission, patient records, billing, and inventory—for more efficient performance.
Remote Patient Monitoring
You can take your home health care further to ensure patient health improvement with tailored IoT devices powered by a highly efficient remote monitoring system. With this tool, you can safely monitor the vitals of patients with heart disease, diabetes, going through recovery, and more. We will customize the software to your needs, ensuring security, functionality, and reliability.
Medical Image Analysis
Getting faster and more accurate diagnoses can save your patients time, anxiety, and, ultimately, their lives. The medical image analysis tool helps you achieve this seamlessly. Being AI-powered software, it instantly analyzes scanned images and provides a clearer and more detailed report for more accurate treatment.
Need A Top-Notch E-commerce Web Solution?
As a top e-commerce web development company, Codeandcore offers cutting-edge tech solutions designed to improve clinical workflows, hospital operations, streamline processes, and drive superior outcomes.
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Explore what we have done in the Health industry.
See how our comprehensive services have helped several Health companies transform their operations and skyrocket growth!
Do you have further questions? No worries. Our experts are just a click away from addressing your concerns!
What types of custom web can you develop for the healthcare industry? 
What technologies do you use to develop custom web for the health industry? 
Our custom web development specialists have access to 60+ industry-leading technologies to transform your vision into a groundbreaking success. From AI, machine learning, and IoT, to blockchain, ARVR, and more, we have what it takes to help you succeed.
Can your custom web solutions integrate with my existing systems? 
Yes, they can. Our experts will examine your existing systems and third-party tools during the discovery phase of your project development. We will then use the right technologies to develop your web, ensuring it seamlessly integrates with what you have running.
How do you ensure the safety and privacy of our healthcare data? 
We handle your data with the utmost care and security measures in place, including 2FA, access controls, and data encryption. We build your software to be HIPAA and GDPR-compliant, ensuring your systems are highly secured and compliant.
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